
Dr. John Upledger developed this therapy after his studies of osteopathy and traditional medicine.
The therapist is working with the rhythm of the cranio-sacral system which consists of skull, spine and sacrum, their surrounding tissues and the fluid (liquor) within. The rhythm is caused by the cerebral fluid, and can be detected everywhere in the body by a skilled therapist. It is a means for both diagnosis and therapy, leading the therapist towards irregularities of tension or structures. So the therapist can improve functions of the body and gently treat pain, asymmetries or tensions.
Direct Measurement of the Rhythmic Motions of the Human Head Identifies a Third Rhythm. Rasmussen TR, Meulengracht KC. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2021 Aug.

Bowen Therapy has been developed by Tom Bowen (1916-1982) in the fifties in Australia.
Some of his students turned their observations into courses and started teaching this method since 1990, first in Australia and then spreading over the whole world. This myofascial therapy consists of rolling ”moves” with thumbs or fingertips diagonally over muscle or tendon on the superficial fascia, giving an impulse to the body. The body reacts instantly or within days, regulating the tension in the tissues. A treatment consists of some of these moves, acting gentle and fast while creating long lasting effects. It addresses the central nervous system as well as the locomotor system, fascia or organs. Mobility and elasticity of tissues can be restored, thus facilitating function and reducing or resolving pain. According to scientific evidence Bowen-Therapy is reducing tension in hamstrings, and leads to improved mobility in ‘frozen shoulder’. Direct Measurement of the Rhythmic Motions of the Human Head Identifies a Third Rhythm. Rasmussen TR, Meulengracht KC. J Bodyw Mov Ther.b2021 Aug. 26:

Neuromuscular Therapy
NMT is a further development of Paul St.Johns’ NMT, which is very common in USA.
Palpation of painful parts of the musculoskeletal system (muscles and tissues) leads to special painful spots (sometimes triggerpoints). Several painful points in one area are being lightly pressed for some seconds until the tissue softens, the cranio-sacral rhythm can be sensed again and the pain decreases.

intendons® translates as ‘in the tendons’.
The name was chosen by Harald Xander because the exercises improve the body’s feeling for the activity of the tendons. The exercises aim to discover and refine the inner movement possibilities.
‘Intendons®’ is consciously designed inner movement. The essential feature of the practice is the absence of external movement. The exercises can be done anytime and anywhere. This results in the release of chronic tension in muscles or the transition between muscles and tendons, which leads to better supply of fasciae and less pain.

Biodynamic Massage
Deep Tissue Massage

Supporting Measures
individually selected for prevention and health maintenance from intendons®, Yoga, Feldenkrais, Body-Mind-Centering, Bartenieff Fundamentals, Pilates etc.
Schüssler Salt, Bach Flowers, Homeopathy (low potencies), Ceres Urtinkturen